iLOQ has a solid reputation among retailers, customers and consumers alike.
While the majority of the replies came from our Nordic strong-hold markets, we did receive input from a total of 18 countries across Europe. As is to be expected, the target groups showed variation in what they found to be of the most importance. However, trust-related themes were high on the list of factors throughout. Being able to count on the safety and security aspects of the locking solution is paramount, but for retailers and end customers alike, having a partner they trust also plays an important role in why we have been successful. When the average NPS in these surveys is at 41, iLOQ’s NPS from retailers was a staggering 70, and an impressive 59 among end users.
iLOQ NPS by Target Groups
Consumers want a brand you can trust
For consumers the security of a locking system is a primary concern. Almost equally important to the daily key user is the user experience; the usability and functional reliability of the solution. A vast majority of the consumers that took the survey had been using the key for less than a year. The feedback we received does show that changing over from a mechanical key to a digital solution does seem to take some time and require getting used to, but understanding the benefits of using a digital locking system outweigh any initial challenges.
In the consumers’ eyes iLOQ has been successful in delivering and communicating the benefits of digital access management. iLOQ’s reputation and level of recognition were among the discovered success factors among consumers. The consumers in this study associated the iLOQ brand with being safe, easy, modern and reliable.
73% of retailers predict that purchases from iLOQ will increase in 2018.
Retailers appreciate a partner to count on
For the retailers, who are our primary customers that in most cases sell and distribute our technologies forward, the quality of our products is obviously of the most importance. In the opinion of the retailers interviewed for this survey, a good locking system is one that takes the customer and their needs into consideration, delivering high quality and reliability. Our retailers described us as innovative, flexible and reliable.
According to the survey the three most successful factors of co-operation with iLOQ were centred around how we serve our customers. The service-mindedness and friendliness of our staff received top marks, as did the reliability and accuracy of our deliveries. The expertise of our staff and the general smoothness of co-operation were also among the top factors contributing to our success according to retailers. 73% of retailers predicted that purchases from iLOQ will increase in the next year. Also, around 25% expect purchasing will remain on the current level, while less than 2% anticipate a decrease in volume of orders.
Almost half of end users anticipate an increase in purchases from iLOQ in the next year.
End customers demand quality and usability
Our end customers, building owners, managers, operators etc., are positioned between the consumer and retailers also izn their opinions and desires. The importance of quality of products is equalled by the importance of the usability. iLOQ’s success in addressing these factors was rated quite high, second only to factors relating to reliable and professional service. The reliability and accuracy of our deliveries was rated as our most successful factor among those rated in the survey. Our sales staff was highly rated in terms of both service mentality and expertise.
While minor issues are always bound to come up, in general iLOQ was described as innovative, easy, reliable and safe by the end users participating in the survey. The same end users reported security, reliability and safety as the most important factors for any locking system. All in all, this would suggest that while there is always room for improvement, we seem to be hitting many of the right marks as of today.