iLOQ Vuosikertomus 2021


Consolidated statement of cash flow IFRS

Figures are unaudited

EUR thousand 1.1.-31.12.2021 1.1.-31.12.2020
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit (-loss) for the financial year 10,921 6,655
Depreciation and amortization 4,301 3,524
Unrealized exchange rate gains and losses 9 -151
Finance income -73 -133
Finance expenses 649 472
Taxes 2,839 1,777
Other adjustments 3,990 2,373
Change in net working capital:
Change in trade and other receivables -4,651 -1,215
Change in inventory -9,557 -3,155
Change in trade and other payables 4,455 2,616
Change in provisions 330 712
Interest paid -73 -59
Interest received 12 0
Income taxes paid -2,868 -1,049
Other financial items -66 -67
Net cash flows from operating activities (A) 10,219 12,301
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchases of tangible fixed assets -1,495 -1,134
Purchases of intangible fixed assets -4,405 -3,813
Net cash flows from investing activities (B) -5,900 -4,946
Cash flows from financing activities
Merger of business 6 31
Payments of lease liabilities -1,204 -1,027
Paid Group contribution -3,169 -2,373
Net cash flows from financing activities (C) -4,367 -3,369
-49 3,986
Cash and cash equivalents, in the beginning of period 7,929 4,110
Net effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents -391 -167
Cash and cash equivalents, at the end of period 7,490 7,929