iLOQ-vuosikertomus 2018


Balance sheet IFRS

EUR thousand Note 31/12/2018 31/12/2017
Non-current assets
Intangible assets 12 6,489 4,952
Property, plant and equipment 13 1,406 821
Deferred tax assets 11 507 654
Other receivables 15, 26 2,980 2,292
Total non-current assets 11,382 8,719
Current assets
Inventories 5,532 3,501
Trade and other receivables 15 8,260 6,664
Current tax assets 11 40 0
Cash and cash equivalents 16 1,218 10,871
Total current assets 15,051 21,036
Total assets 26,433 29,755
Share capital 17 1,000 1,000
Share premium reserve 17 380 380
Reserve for invested non-restricted equity 17 5,151 12,717
Translation reserve -25 7
Retained earnings 17 11,476 6,752
Total shareholders’ equity 17,982 20,856
Non-current liabilities
Liabilities to credit institutions 24 314 245
Total non-current liabilities 314 245
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and other liabilities 21 7,349 6,245
Current provisions 24 710 1,013
Current tax liabilities 11 78 1,397
Total current liabilities 8,137 8,655
Total liabilities 8,451 8,900
Total equity and liabilities 26,433 29,755