iLOQ-vuosikertomus 2019


Consolidated statement of cash flows IFRS

EUR thousand Note 2019  2018
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit (-loss) for the financial year 5,508 6,493
Non-cash items 248 15
Depreciation and amortization 8 2,983 1,179
Unrealized exchange rate gains and losses -134 33
Finance income 10 -106 -146
Finance expenses 10 461 278
Taxes 11 1,549 1,659
Other adjustments 0 -1
Change in net working capital:
Change in trade and other receivables 15 -2,514 -1,555
Change in inventory 14 -1,560 -2,031
Change in trade and other payables 21 3,454 1,081
Change in provisions 24 -250 -234
Interest paid -134 -17
Interest received 88 7
Income taxes paid -842 -2,913
Other financial items -49 -45
Net cash flows from operating activities  8,703 3,803
Cash flows from investing activities
Investments in tangible assets 13 -1,322 -901
Investments in intangible assets 12 -3,398 -2,400
Net cash flows from investing activities  -4,720 -3,301
Cash flows from financing activities
Loans granted 15 0 -688
Repayments of loans and borrowings 15, 26 2,662 0
Acquisition of own shares -261 0
Proceeds from issuance of shares 17, 18 150 688
Dividends paid 17 -2,472 -1,786
Repayment of capital 0 -8,254
Payments of lease liabilities 23 -912 0
Payments of short-term liabilities 20 0 0
Proceeds from long-term liabilities 20 0 0
Payments of long-term liabilities 20 0 0
Net cash flows from financing activities  -833 -10,040
Change in cash flows 3,150 -9,538
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 1,218 10,871
Net effect of changes in exchange rates on financial assets -258 -115
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 16 4,110 1,218