iLOQ-vuosikertomus 2019

Note 26

Related party transactions

The Group’s related parties consists of parent company iLOQ Oy and its subsidiaries. The subsidiaries are listed in Note 5. In addition, related parties include as iLOQ-Group’s Board members as key management personnel, the CEO and members of the Group management, as well as entities that are under the control of key management personnel and their family members.

Transactions, receivables and loans executed with related parties

EUR thousand 2019 2018
Interest-bearing receivables – related party loan 0 2,980
Interest on related party loans 35 39
Other expenses 0 44

The terms and conditions used in the related party transactions are equivalent to the terms used in transactions between independent parties.

In 2018, the Group has issued related party loans in the amount of EUR 688,000 to engage key personnel. The loan period was 10 years and the interest rate was 12-month Euribor +1.5%. The shares subscribed for with the loans by key personnel were used as loan collateral. The related party loans have been repaid during the financial period 2019.

Other expenses consist of consulting fees paid to a member of the Group’s Board of Directors.

Employee benefits of the key management

During the financial year, salaries and fees including fringe benefits have been paid to the CEO and Group management as follows:

EUR thousand 2019 2018
Short-term employee benefits 2,293 1,739
Benefits paid after the end of employment relationship 505 283
Share-based benefits 248 15
Total 3,046 2,037

The figures presented equal to costs expensed during the financial period.

The total compensation for the Group’s key management consists of salaries, non-monetary benefits and pension expenses for defined contribution plans. The members of the Group management do not have defined benefit plans.