iLOQ-vuosikertomus 2019


Consolidated statement of changes in equity IFRS

Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company
EUR thousand Note Share
Share premium reserve Reserve for invested non-restricted equity Translation reserve Retained earnings Total
Equity on 1 January 2019 17 1,000 380 5,151 -25 11,476 17,982
Comprehensive income
Profit for the financial year 5,508 5,508
Translation difference 0 10 0 10
Total comprehensive income 0 0 0 10 5,508 5,518
Transactions with shareholders
Issue of shares 17 150 0 150
Dividend -2,472 -2,472
Purchase of own shares 18 -583 -583
Share-based payments 0 248 248
Total transactions with shareholders 0 0 150 0 -2,807 -2,657
Equity on 31 December 2019 17 1,000 380 5,301 -15 14,178 20,844
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company
EUR thousand Note Share
Share premium reserve Reserve for invested non-restricted equity  Translation reserve Retained earnings Total
Equity on 1 January 2018 17 1,000 380 12,717 7 6,753 20,857
Comprehensive income
Profit for the financial year 6,493 6,493
Translation difference 0 -31 0 -31
Total comprehensive income 0 0 0 -31 6,493 6,462
Transactions with shareholders
Issue of shares 17 688 688
Dividend -1,786 -1,786
Repayment of capital -8,254 0 -8,254
Share-based payments 18 0 15 15
Total transactions with shareholders 0 0 -7,566 0 -1,771 -9,337
Equity on 31 December 2018 17 1,000 380 5,151 -25 11,476 17,982